A downloadable game

To Catch The Biggest Fish

To Catch the Biggest Fish is a game all about Fishing. It has the perspective of a platformer, and the Goal is to navigate the hook past regular Fish to catch the biggest one of them all.

Game Phase

The Game Phase starts once the player casts their rod. While the rod is moving downward different types of Fish will spawn:

Scared Fish: Fish that swims to the player but gets scared away when close.

Bullet Fish: Fish that locks on to the Position of the Hook and shoots in the direction.

Squid Fish: Less Fish, more Squid! Moves to the Hook in Bursts

Cluster: Many Fish with no special attributes that swim around an Area

Drift Fish: Will move in the direction of the Hook and starts rotating if the hook isn’t in line with its view.

Biggest Fish: This is the Fish you want to catch! (It’s very big and slowly approaches the hook when a depth of -100 is reached)

The Fish Variants however aren’t the only Factors that influence the Hook/Player in the Game Phase. A variety of Factors influence the Vision, which decreases with depth, the Weight/Acceleration of the Hook, the Fish spawn rate, which increases with depth and the Amount of Moves the player can still make.

To dodge the Fish, the player must move the hook. In this game, the movement isn’t based on pressing a button, but rather on a button press Event. With every press, the button moves a certain distance. The controls are A for Left, D for right and S for up.

Upon colliding with a Fish, a QuickTime Event is initiated! Press the Spacebar once two circles overlap each other and pull the Fish out! If the fish you caught wasn’t the biggest Fish, don’t worry! Every Fish is assigned a value based on Type, Depth and Size. Now you receive some money for the Shopping Phase!

The Shopping Phase

Upon receiving some money, you can open the Shop by clicking the basket button. The Mouse is how you navigate the screen for now. There are four Upgrades to choose from:

Weight: Next time you cast the rod, the hook will sink faster!

Bait: Less Fish spawn, so there are less Fish to dodge.

Vision: Increases your vision, therefore a larger area is visible around the hook.

Movement Upgrade: Increases the amount of moves that the player can perform in the next phase.

Every Upgrade has five levels, with the price increasing per level. The Upgrades take effect as soon as the next Game Phase starts and changes the previously mentioned factors. Now you have all the tools you need to catch a bigger and better Fish! To reinitiate the Game Phase, you can recast the rod with space.


Executable.zip 14 MB

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